Part of Boyd Education
Book a Course (CPD & training for schools)
Our Boyd Education courses are booked through this page
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Online & Face to Face CPD for Schools
- 295 British pounds
- 295 British pounds
- 175 British pounds
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CPD for schools
CPD for schools
CPD for schools
3.45 - 5.45pm ONLINE + self directed learning (includes materials)
CPD for schools
10am - 4pm (includes servicing tools to take away)
Currently only available for delivery online or face to face to individual departments. Contact us for more details.
CPD for schools
CPD for schools
Currently only available for delivery online or face to face to individual departments. Contact us for more details.
Currently only available for delivery face to face to individual departments. Contact us for more details.
10am - 4pm (includes servicing tools to take away)
Currently only available for delivery online or face to face to individual departments. Contact us for more details.
Run in partnership with the D&T Association
Train Your Team CPD: learning at your own pace suitable for both teams & individuals
Pre-prepared CPD with everything needed to train your team or prompt discussion in department meetings.
Suitable for both teams & individuals looking for CPD to follow at their own pace.
Planning & Auditing Your D&T Curriculum (CPD for schools)
This is a self supported study version of our live online CPD of the same name. Resources support teams and individuals to audit and plan their D&T curriculum across KS3 and D&T GCSE (some content is also suitable for other GCSE routes). When all episodes are delivered together it's the equivalent to a one day CPD course but it's also suitable for studying at a pace that suits the user.

Supporting Textiles Specialists to Deliver D&T GCSE Core Content (CPD for schools)
From £65
This is the self supported study version of our live online course of the same name. It provides support for textiles specialists looking for ideas on delivering the GCSE core content learning they may feel less confident with, particularly materials, levers and mechanisms and electronics. Includes materials samples and loose materials so participants can carry out some of the activities immediately. When all episodes are delivered together it's the equivalent to a one day CPD course but it's also suitable for studying at a pace that suits the user.
The digital resources can be purchased on their own for £75 or these can be purchased along with a materials pack for £95 which means activities can be carried out straight away. Additional materials packs can also be purchased. Follow the link to find out about these options.

Broader Materials Thinking in D&T (CPD for schools)
This is a self supported study version of our live online CPD of the same name. Suitable for non-specialists to reflect on broader thinking about materials in D&T e.g. challenging stereotyped views on materials and examples of how materials are used in everyday products. Also suitable for specialists wanting to reflect on their own practice. Includes material samples. Suitable for a minimum 2 hour CPD session (longer depending on the activities carried out). Additional material packs can also be purchased.